I hope you're doing well! Here is some info on how to get started with video lessons. Remember, that the video lessons will be a continuation of your weekly appointment on your regular lesson day and time with your teacher, but you'll get to stay home and stay healthy while continuing to learn and improve on your instrument. Here's how it works:

NOTE: To be respectful of your teacher’s time, please only attempt to join a meeting at your scheduled lesson time. If you are unsure of your lesson time or teacher, please contact the office at 513-560-9175 or info@cincinnatischoolofmusic.com

1) Download Zoom Cloud Meetings app to your mobile device (Do this now, rather than right before your lesson, please!)

2) Open app and click "Join a Meeting" (see the blue button below)

Image from iOS (2).png

3) Enter your teacher's Meeting ID (the office will provide you with this) and click "Join". Do not do anything with the Audio and Video button below the Join button.

Image from iOS (1).png

THAT'S IT! It's really easy.  We'll reach out to you before your next lesson with your teacher's Meeting ID. 


  1. PLUG IN YOUR DEVICE when using Zoom for lessons, as it uses up the battery quickly.

  2. Use an extension cord, so you have plenty of room to adjust and set up your device to get the camera view right.

  3. Do a "practice run" of Zoom video with a friend or family before your first video lesson, so you can get familiar with how it works

  4. Figure out a good camera angle and set-up for propping up your mobile device during your video lesson. Plan time to do this before your video lesson.

  5. If you cannot hear any sound, please click the microphone icon

In the meantime, let us know if you have any questions. We are here to help 7 days a week, and happy to assist you!